Tools & Resources

The Moat: Resources and Tools to get Back to and stay on the Island

Perspective Cards

Follow the button below to explore the 4 perspective cards. this tool is good to use in any moment you feel yourself in “wet sand” and are needing a new perspective to bring you back to the process.

Environment as the Third Teacher

Children will respond to the environment they are presented. If they walk into a space that is chaotic, and there are no thought provoking opportunities for them, they will mirror this energy. Similarly, if they walk into a space that is inviting, full of meaningful provocations and they can clearly see their options, their energy will reflect a more purposeful and driven one. It is our job to ensure that the classroom and playground is being utilized in a purposeful way.

This is a great tool to come back to when you feel that all the children are fighting for space in one area or with one material. It is also a good tool to use when you feel overwhelmed in your space, or the energy is feeling chaotic, children are getting hurt and you feel a need to “get control”


Follow the button below to explore Brene Brown’s research on braving. This tool is one that will help develop trust with your colleagues, your students and your families.


Follow this link to explore tools and techniques on how to Rumble. Rumbling is a tool that you can use to have hard conversations and work though something that needs to be discussed.

Mark Making

Fairy Dust teaching has provided a wonderful e-book on mark making. Use this resource to explore the value in the process of making marks. To examine examples of how to incorporate mark making throughout your classroom.

The Heart of It

In moments of chaos, our fall back is to lead from structure. Instead, look to the heart of it… Who needs connection? What’s missing in the classroom environment? How can we bring the heart of it into the structured items? It is about finding the right balance and using the resources we have to do so. Think of the school as a whole community that we all take care of.

Responsive Interactions