How many locations does Bella Mente have?
We have one location:
Bella Mente is located at 9051 20th Ave SW Seattle, WA
Does Bella Mente offer any discount for siblings?
We do offer a 20% discount off of the eldest child’s tuition.
How long has Bella Mente been open?
We opened in November of 2007
What is your teacher turnover like?
Childcare typically has a very high turnover rate, as it is a very physically and emotionally demanding job. We are lucky to have a very family like atmosphere where our teachers know they are respected for the work that they do and in turn they stay with us for a longer time then in stereo typical early childhood environments.
When will my child move up the the next classroom?
There are many things that contribute to when our children graduate from one classroom to the next that include but are not limited to reaching milestones needed to succeed in the next classroom, availability, birthdate, ratio, etc. Please do not ask for exceptions to when your child will be able to move up. We will make the decision with careful consideration when the time is ready.
When should I keep my child home?
Your child will need to be symptom free for 24 hours after being sent home with a fever (100.8 or higher) or vomiting.
Contact Us
You can reach us at (206)321-6448 or at bellamenteearlylearning@gmail.com