Beginning September 1st, 2024:
Newcomer (3mo- 1 Year): $2150 per month
Acclimation and Independence (1 year-2.5 years): $1850 per month
Adventure, Discovery, and Maven (2.5 years-6 years): $1750 per month
After School Program (elementary age):
Stem $410/mo
Pathfinder $410/mo
Roxhill $550/mo
Highland Park $550/mo
Gatewood $550/mo
Arbor Heights $550/mo
Fairmount Park $550/mo
We receive bus transportation from Roxhill, STEM, Highland Park, Arbor Heights and Pathfinder Elementary Schools
There is an additional transport fee of $50/ month for students coming from Gatewood and Fairmount park Elementary Schools
Fees Policy
Tuition is a flat monthly fee. If a Holiday or closure falls on a regularly scheduled day, participants pay the same rate for the month.
Tuition for all classes is due on the first of each month. All monthly tuition payments received five working days after the 1st of each month are to include a late fee of $10.00. There will be an additional $10.00 fee for each week the tuition is late.
We require 30 days written notice of cancellation of care.