Process Art
Open ended Art/ Process Art
Many of us grew up with art resulting in a specific product. We were asked to follow a set of guidelines and produce something that resembles the person’s next to us. In doing this we lost the creativity that can come from allowing an individual or child to create. Open ended art is about the process. Majority of the time we will not have a product to take home. Instead we are documenting the process. We are observing how the children interact with the materials. The choices that are making and the discoveries they have as they engage. Through our photos and notes we are able to capture what they experienced while immersing in the art project. It is important to set up art provocations in a way that intrigues our students. We can utilize a variety of mediums and loose parts, recycled goods, stories for importation etc. If ever you are stuck on how to create an art provocation, reach out.