Potty Training
Welcome to this exciting developmental stage!
If you are here that means you are probably exploring potty training with your child! We know how exciting yet tedious and frustrating this phase can be. We honor the process of working together to help support the child when they are ready.
Potty Training at home looks very different than it does at school. At home children have more freedom to use the bathroom and there is a parent/guardian there to assist at all times. At school, we have designated diaper changing times in order to make sure everyones needs have been met (and BM changes on demand).When children become interested in and capable of potty training, we will happily sit a child on the potty at these designated diaper changing times. In order to use the bathroom outside of these times children need to be able to communicate with us that they need use the potty, or they need to be physically capable of using the potty on their own. It is very important that parents and teachers are in constant communication so we can work together on this transition.
Over our years we have observed and documented three general phases of potty training with our students.
1. Early stages of Potty Training:
Child shows interest in using the potty. This could be talking about it, motioning to sit down, dry diapers for extended periods of time (during nap, or at night for example) etc.
When children express interest we will ask children if they want to sit down or use the potty during their diaper times. We typically begin to incorporate more books and resources for children to explore as they gain interest.
Teachers Actions: Teachers will help children sit on the potty during scheduled diaper changing times per their interest: around 10 am and 3pm
2. Potty Training
Child shows interest in using the potty.
Child has spent a considerate amount of time at home potty training. They are successfully peeing/pooping on the potty (this does not have to be consistent).
The child is successfully pulling up and down their pants at home, and getting on and off the potty themselves.
Child can communicate and say "I need to go potty", “I need to go” when they do.
Teacher Actions: Teachers will remind/help children sit on the potty during diaper times, before nap and before heading outside: around 10am, 12pm, 3pm (or when waking up) 3:30pm, 5:00
**When Potty Training at School**
Child must wear appropriate clothing. For example, they need to have on pants they can easily pull up and down on their own. No dresses (as they easily dip in the toilet).
If children are wearing pull ups, we ask that they are the kind that Velcro on the sides and are detachable. This makes it easier to change a child when an accident occurs because we don’t have to get them completely undressed to take the pull up off.
Please check in with us when deciding to switch your children from diapers or pull ups into underwear at school. We recognize this is a community effort so staying in communication is important. If we notice any signs that your child may not be ready for this transition at school we will reach out to explore a plan that works for everyone.
Please make sure children have spare clothing in their cubbies, this is PERTINENT when children are in undies and we ask for 4 entire changes of pants, undies, socks, and an extra pair of shoes or boots.
3. Potty Trained:
Child fully communicates when they need to use the bathroom.
Child is physically capable of pulling up and down their own pants.
Child is physically capable of getting on and off the potty themselves.
Child rarely has accidents
May be in underwear because they can communicate when they need to use the bathroom outside of designated times.
Teacher Actions: Children will be reminded to use the potty during diaper times and before nap and going outside. All other times are initiated by the child.
We appreciate you working with us during this exciting time of potty training. It is important to remember potty training happens at different times for each child. Do not feel a need to rush this process as it becomes very apparent when children are ready and goes much smoother for everyone when the privilege of learning how their body works in their own time is allowed to them. Please reach out to Lauren with any questions on how to support your child.
Thank you!
The Bella Mente Team