Performance Appraisal
For this survey you are asked to rate the following topics a scale from strongly disagree to strongly agree. Our goal is for everyone to be “working on the island”. This will help us work together to find the resources best used to get you there. Please take a moment to reflect on the following questions and select the response that fits best for you.
In the Moat (Strongly disagree, disagree) : When we are in the moat, we are drifting from our philosophy, vision and why at Bella Mente. Until we can be aware of where we are, we are not open to help, change or get the tools needed to get us back on the island. When we become aware of where we are, we can use the tools needed to get us back to the island and see the growth.
Shoreline (Neutral): Maybe you are new and not familiar with these concepts, or have the right attitude but need some help to grasp a concept. When we are on the shoreline we can easily make our way to the island or fall into the moat. It is important to be intentional about our purpose, our actions and our communication in order to set ourselves up for success.
Working on the Island (agree, strongly agree) When we are working on the island we are aware of all the necessary working parts or “buildings” that keep our “fire” or vision going here at Bella Mente. We are open to growth in all areas of our practice and we collaborate with our team to ensure we are all keeping the fire lit.