Welcome to the Bella Mente Team!
As we get started on this new adventure together we first need to tackle some of the structured components of the job. We broke it down into three different parts to help. Please start with Part one and then once completed we will move on to the next step.
Part 1
Please bring in so Lauren can make a copy:
Drivers License/ Identification
Social Security Card
A voided check for direct deposit
Proof of MMR
Proof of neg TB test
Paperwork to Fill Out:
Please click on the following for the required documents, print, sign and bring them back to Lauren.
Please fill out: Employment Application
Please fill out: I 9
Please fill out: W4
Please Read and sign the last page of The Staff Handbook
Please Read and sign the last page of The Orientation PDF
To Do
Apply for a STARS ID and Background check here: Merit Login
Sign in/Apply with your STARS ID
Click on the "application" tab
Click "Portable Background Check Application" and follow all the instructions
You will need the following to complete the application:
Name of the Licensed Child Care Provider or ECEAP site
Addresses where you have lived for the last five (5) consecutive years
Send payment as instructed.
If you do not have a negative TB test please contact your doctor or local urgent care to schedule one
If you do not have proof of your MMR please contact your doctor to obtain that documentation
To Do:
Add Bella Mente to your Merit Account
Register for an Account with DCYF
Take the safe sleep course
Schedule your cpr and first aid
Review the Trainings and Certifications below to see if you need to obtain/renew or have proof of completion
Add Bella Mente to your Merit Account
1. Login onto your merit account at this website:
2. Click "Professional Record"
3. Scroll down to Early Care & Education/School-Age Employment Information
4. Click "click here to add employment" (blue box on the right)
5. In Job Title click "Licensed Child Care Center"
6. Select your position (lead teacher or assistant teacher)
7. Search "Bella Mente Early Learning East" in the facility/site name
*it needs to have east in it
8. Click "Select" when it pops up
9. Save
10. Let us know when you have done that and we will verify it went through on our end.
Trainings/Certifications to Complete or provide proof of completion
*Lauren will reimburse you for the price of the course but does not pay for the time to take them
Food Handlers Card : Anyone who handles food needs to have this card. Please follow the link and complete the course. Please email a copy of your receipt and card to bellamenteearlylearning@gmail.com
Safe sleep Training: Everyone on site needs to complete this course. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one, if you need your STARS ID please reach out. Please message cascade when you have completed it and We will verify it is documented in your account.
Infant/Child/Adult CPR First Aid and AED Trainings: