Your ECE Profile
Merit and DCYF will have two separate logins. You will need your STARS ID in order to create accounts on both pages. Please reach out if you do not have this number.
Keep Me Up To Date
Trainings that need to be renewed:
Portable Background Check (3yrs): Merit
Food Handlers Permit (2 yrs): Food Handlers Course
Safe Sleep Training (1 yr): DCYF
Disaster Preparedness (1 yr): Bella Mente will provide the form to sign and update your account yearly.
Infant, Child, Adult First Aid (2 yrs): We will offer in person group training. If you are not present please go to
CRP Seattle to set up and in person training.
Infant, Child, Adult CPR (2yrs): We will offer in person group training. If you are not present please go to CPR Seattle to set up and in person training.
One Time Trainings:
STARS 30 Hour Basics
Blood-borne Pathogens and HIV Training