Create A Merit Account and Apply for STARS ID
Apply for a STARS ID and Background check here: Merit Login
Sign in/Apply with your STARS ID
Click on the "application" tab
Click "Portable Background Check Application" and follow all the instructions
You will need the following to complete the application:
Name of the Licensed Child Care Provider or ECEAP site
Addresses where you have lived for the last five (5) consecutive years
Send payment as instructed.
Add Bella Mente to your Merit Account
1. Login onto your merit account at this website: Merit Login
2. Click "Professional Record"
3. Scroll down to Early Care & Education/School-Age Employment Information
4. Click "click here to add employment" (blue box on the right)
5. In Job Title click "Licensed Child Care Center"
6. Select your position (lead teacher or assistant teacher)
7. Search "Bella Mente Early Learning Center East" in the facility/site name
8. Click "Select" when it pops up
9. Save
10. Let us know when you have done that and we will verify it went through on our end.